Cycling for Weight Loss: Tips to Lose Weight Through Cycling
Frey Bike

After days of overeating and staying in the house while it's too cold outside, did you feel that a fast-growing weight is creeping up on you? With spring just around the corner and everything turning green, it's time to cycle to stay healthy and lose weight!


Cycling is the best way to lose weight.

Many people choose to lose fat through exercise, and cycling is an efficient way to do that. Compared to other sports, cycling reduces the burden of knee damage, and cycling in cold weather (not too cold) can even burn more fat, increase muscle tissue, and not easy to feel tired.


Lose fat, but not muscle.

One of the worst ways to lose weight is to do high-intensity exercise and excessive dieting over a short period. After going back to a normal diet and exercise, you may find a rebound to the original numbers, which both impair the body function and fail to achieve fat reduction. The only way to burn fat without losing muscle is to make a long-term cycling plan. If you are going to lose weight through cycling, try to keep your diet under control and incorporate strength training along into your cycling to help build and maintain muscle. Such as compound weights (including squats, weights, and bench presses) is a good aid to exercise which can work multiple muscle groups in your body at the same time.


Commute for weight-loss.

Cycling may be the most efficient way to get some exercise during your commute, as your cycling schedule can be easily disrupted by so-called "external factors" while commuting by bike is a regular occurrence. This will ensure that you get a base of exercise and at least avoid gaining weight. Therefore, cycling during the commute is suitable for a busy modern life. Before and after a long day of sitting in the office, you might as well do a short circuit, which boosts the body's blood circulation and increases body temperature, for an efficient winter workout on the road.


Do not diet.

Want to build your muscle and lose fat in a healthy and efficient way? Then do not over-diet. The immediate effect of dieting is to use up muscle mass and fool you into thinking you've reached your weight loss goal. But you will also feel like you’re running low on energy and may not get enough from your food for a longer ride.

Only a normal diet which includes three meals a day can support our energy for daily work and exercise. If you need to pay attention to your diet during weight loss, you should eat high-protein foods such as fish, eggs and milk, as well as fiber-rich vegetables and fruits. And try to stay away from high-calorie foods, such as French fries, which include 300kcal per 100g (which can be completely consumed by cycling at a low speed for about an hour).


Make a cycling program.

Before embarking on a weight-loss program, you might want to consider visiting a doctor to find out about your health. The simplest way is to calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index). BMI = height (in cm) ÷ weight squared (in kg). Based on the calculated value, you can make your cycling plan more professional for some time. If your BMI is over 25, then hurry! Take action for your health and ride for your weight loss program.

On the advice of professional trainers Emma Wilkins and Tom Bell, who have been in the field for many years, the intensity of weight loss should be left to the individual. From a physiological point of view, losing half a kilo of weight in a week is the maximum limit. If the limit is exceeded, cyclists may feel tired in long-term exercise and be unable to stick to this long-term cycling plan.

Starting with a small goal of losing 0.3 kg of body weight per week and scheduling a reasonable amount of cycling time and intensity, half an hour of moderate-intensity cycling three times per week is in line with most human exercise habits. However, each person's physique is individual, and fitness can not be stuck in a rut, so it's okay to appropriately increase or decrease the cycling time and intensity.


Enjoy it!

Cycling has always been a highly regarded form of exercise. It not only brings you a healthy body but a good mood as well. It gives you a sense of satisfaction while keeping fit, boosts dopamine production, and fights anxiety and depression.


Again, We sincerely hope you can Free Ride & Enjoy Yourself!

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